Spaghetti Bolognese with Mushrooms

Posted by Sylvia

Hurray, it’s …. OK, it’s not actually only 400 calories for the meal. But at under 600 with plentiful parmesan, it fits within my “small lunch, big dinner” planning system.

I added random chopped veg which I fried with the onions in the oil (left over from stirfry) and chopped up mushrooms to bulk it out and add flavour.

Bolognese Sauce 1 tablespoon oil 119
120g chopped onion 38
100g mixed veg 35
2 tins tomato 19 cal/100g 296
700g ground beef 1,778
2 stock cubes 50
2 tablespoon sugar 100
Fried tomato 158
Mushrooms 19
Tomato sauce @64 cal 179
Total Calories 2,772

It tastes nice and is really thick!

Weight: 2115 grams
Calories: 2772 calories

1.3 calories per gram

This made for a large serving – as much as I’d eat not on a diet. If I needed to keep calories under 500, I think that’d be pretty easy to do just by cutting down the spaghetti and leaving it with extra sauce.

150g Bolognese Sauce 195
100g Spaghetti 338
5g parmesan 22
Total Calories 555

Now, if only I could justify some garlic bread….

Really Thinking I’d like some Red Wine in the Sauce

Posted by Sylvia

Lunch was chaos. I defrosted a Pork Thai Curry of 290 calories which has been sitting in the freezer for, uh, quite some time. It was horrid. I don’t know if my curry making skills have increased tremendously (thanks also to my experimentation with the great Indian spices that you two have introduced me to) or freezing totally ruined this dish, but it was foul. I ate a few mouthfuls, thinking I should just force it down and have something nice for dinner. Then I decided that was silly and defrosted the bean dish instead and ate that.

Breakfast 3 milky coffees 100
Sub-total 100
Lunch Small portion of Pork Thai Curry 100
Pork and beans 190
Sub-total 290
Dinner Dressing 30
Cottage Cheese 180
Mixed lettuce 60
Sub-total 270
Dessert Yogurt 152
30g Muesli @357/100g 107
Tiny drizzle of honey 10
Sub-total 269
Snack Options Hot Chocolate 37
Sub-total 37
Total Calories 966

At the supermarket, I noticed they had a spaghetti bolognese readymeal that was only 410 calories. I don’t know if that’s doable at home with fresh ingredients but I decided to try. Mine is heavy on the mushrooms to bulk it out and keep the calories down. I’ll post the calorie count when I’m sure I’m not going to add anything else.

Current weight: 81 kilos, down 1.5 from the beginning of the month. I don’t think I’m going to make 80 before the guests come, though :(

Just another Manic Monday

Posted by Sylvia

We have company arriving Thursday so I’m not sticking to this but I thought I may as well work on my calorie counting while I can.

Breakfast Yogurt 152
Muesli 100
1/2 mango 70
Coffee with milk 50
Sub-total 372
Lunch 200g baby asparagus 40
2 eggs 140
Olive oil 50
slug of milk 10
Sub-total 240
Dinner salad 30
cottage cheese 180
salad dressing 100
Sub-total 310
Snack Hot chocolate 37
Hot chocolate 37
Sub-total 74
Total Calories 996